If you want to print your photos or any image on fabric, there are different options:

  1. Use pre-treated fabric. They come in packages and usually are 8 1/2 by 11″. You can find these at any craft store.
  2. Use Iron-on Transfers. Remember to mirror your image when printing since the image is going to be flipped when applied to the fabric. The iron-on transfers have a backing paper attached that you will remove after the iron application.
  3. Print directly on the fabric using a printer with pigment ink. The pigment ink is not water soluble and will stay in your fabric. To make your own backing, iron on some freezer paper to the fabric before you print. Position the right side of the fabric on the ironing board, put the shiny side of the freezer paper over and then the iron on medium heat. That makes the two pieces into one, ready to print.
  4. Transfer the image printed on a transparency using liquid matte medium. Apply the medium to the fabric using a brush or a foam brush. Don’t saturate the fabric too much with the medium. Position the printed side of the transparency over the fabric and burnish with a bone folder or any other instrument that allows you to rub the transparency. When you see the image transferred, peel it back and enjoy the results. Remember the transferred image is going to look broken in some places. Also, you can use water instead of the medium. If you use water, spray the water to the transparency before position it on the fabric. Then, rub the surface to transfer.

Just remember to use a high quality printed image to transfer and to work on a sturdy surface that will allow you to burnish the image.


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