I would like to show you a video from Silhouette America in Europe; but it applies to the Silhouettes in the United States also.

Take a look at all the things that you can do with this machine. If you are interested in getting it, please click HEREΒ to get more information of the machine and if you like it, you also can pre-order it from Enchant Art.

Here is the video:

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2 Responses to “Silhouette Cameo Setup”

  1. Susan says:

    Thank you Glenda for your great service. I preordered my machine with you since you have one of the best customer support and I know you answer my emails so fast, that makes me wonder if you sleep at all πŸ™‚ Thank you again. Oh and I love your designs!

  2. Keeron says:

    Thank you Glenda for sharing this. I just received my Cameo and haven’t set it up yet. I’ll be sure and watch this video first! πŸ™‚

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