If you are planning to put your photos on the Internet and provide them some protection against piracy, you may want to add the copyright symbol to them. Follow these steps: Create a New Document. Press D to make your foreground color Black. Choose the Type tool and select Arial Bold. Press Alt + 0169 to […]
The Type Mask tool allows you to “cut” letters out of a background. The first thing is to open a nice background. Then click on the Text tool from your tools palette and choose the Horizontal Type Mask. Choose a thick and large font size (Arial Bold) and click anywhere on your background. You will […]
Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool from the Toolbox. On the Options bar at the top, change the Feather to 50 px. (Once you learn this technique, you can change the number of pixels.) Now position your cursor at the top left of the image, leaving some space. Click, hold down the mouse and drag to […]
To embed the copyright into the photo file: Click on File, click on File Info. Choose Description and change the Copyright Status from Unmarked to Copyrighted. In the Copyright Notice field enter your personal copyright info ( Copyright 2009 Glenda Castillo) and under Owner URL enter your full Web address if you have one.
If you have a great photo but the sky is not that great you can replace it for another one from another photo. I have done this many times and can make a big difference: Open the photo that needs another sky. Select the sky. Open the photo with a nice sky. Select the sky […]
If you have a photo partially affected by a flash, do this: First, select the area where the flash affected the photo. Go to Select, Feather and choose 25 pixels. Ctrl+L to bring up the Levels. Drag the output levels to the left to darken the selection. Enjoy!
Make a background copy using the Ctrl+J command. Set the blending mode to Multiply. Repeat if necessary or change the Opacity of that layer until your picture looks great.
If you want to resize a picture (to make it bigger) without compromising the resolution try: Image, Image Size. In the Image Size dialogue box, change the units from Pixels to Percent. Type 110% for the Width and Height. The Resample Image box should be checked and use Bicubic. Then you would repeat the command […]
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