1. Select File, Open and choose a photo that you want to use as the filling for your text.
  2. Select the Text tool and a large size font (Arial bold or something like that)
  3. Type your text. Photoshop is going to create a Type layer.
  4. Select the Move tool and position your type.  Also, change the size if you need to, using the square anchors.
  5. Press Ctrl and click on the Type layer. You are going to see marching ants around the text. The text is now selected.
  6. Choose Select, Inverse from the menu.
  7. Click the Type layer and drag it to the trash can.
  8. Press Delete to get rid of all the surrounding area outside the selection.
  9. Finished.

This is an easy way to create your own titles using photos. If you are going to use this on top of another background, you may want to use an Emboss and/or Drop Shadow effect from the Styles and Effects.


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