This is another way to create a beautiful mat for your titles:

  1. Open Inkscape
  2. From the Tools, choose the Text tool.
  3. Click inside the blank paper and type your text or title. 
  4. Click on Path, Linked Offset.
  5. Now you are going to see a box around your text and one, only one square.
  6. At this time I like to change the background color. Choose something different than the original text color.
  7. Click on the little square, don’t let go of the mouse and drag it out. Viola! You have created a very quick mat.
  8. The little square is going to be there, so you can adjust the size of your mat until your heart is happy.

Do you want to know what happened? When you clicked on the Linked Offset, you duplicated your title. Inkscape created a clone that you can change just by dragging the little square (node).

I hope you try it as an alternative to the Outset option that I posted before.


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